Northern Lancaster County Beagle Club
180 Forest Road, Denver PA 17517

Northern Lancaster is a subcommittee of Northern Lancaster County Game and Fish Protective Association. In 1895 the Pennsylvania Game Commission was founded, in the early 1900’s they sought out sportsmen to assist in the reestablishment of wildlife habitat, they formed Game & Fish Protective Associations. Northern Lancaster was established in 1911. In our 100 plus year existence we have owned several locations. Our current location was purchased in 1966 when Middle Creek Wildlife Area was developed. Over 200 acres of Middle Creek was Northern Lancaster’s home before 1966.

In 1954 the Beagle committee was started, running brace trails until the early 1980’s when we switched to SPO. After starting SPO trials we ran plan A trials and in the mid 1980’s we had our first licensed trial.

Our property consist of 154 acres of non-fenced grounds, having corn fields on 2 ½ sides of our property makes summer trials difficult for us (rabbits like to run into the corn fields). We have a few kennels and plenty of room for tents or campers at our events. Our web site is

Club Officers: 

PRESIDENT    Leoncio (Poppy) Colon    717-738-1194
VICE PRESIDENT     Scott Reifsnyder     717-858-5494
SECRETARY   Michelle Colon    717-738-1194
TREASURER    Jeff Sherman    717-286-5104
FIELD TRIAL CHAIRMAN    Jeff Sherman    717-286-5104
FIELD TRIAL SECRETARY       Scott Reifsnyder     717-858-5494
NEBGF Delegate     Scott Reifsnyder     717-858-5494

Licensed Club Judges

Jeff Sherman    717-286-5104
Leoncio (Poppy) Colon    717-738-1194
Scott Reifsnyder    717-858-5494
Chris Meyers    610-488-9094
Jeffrey Dean Jr (sanctioned)    610-675-7956
Hunter Dean (sanctioned)    610-675-7956
Matt Sherman (sanctioned)    717-286-5104

​​Northeast Beagle Gundog Federation

​​Northeast Beagle Gundog Federation