​​Northeast Beagle Gundog Federation

​​Northeast Beagle Gundog Federation

Rayburn Beagle Club
290 Schall Hollow Rd., Ford City, PA 16226


President:                                  Roger Clark  724-859-0969

Vice-President:                         Jim  Fouse  724-845-6901

Secretary/Treasurer:               Craig Goldinger  724-859-1547

Vice-Treasurer:                         Tim Schaffer  724-763-9256

FTS:                                         Shayne Bell  724-822-6951   

FTC:                                        Carl Beatty 724-664-1036

Trustee:                                     Ed Weaver 724-763-2674

Trustee:                                     Larry Smith  724-664-4121

Trustee:                                     Mike Bearer  724-919-2796


1 ½ miles east of Ford City off of PA Rt. 66, turn at VFW sign, follow signs.

About the Club: 

We have a modern clubhouse with showers/bathrooms.  Kennel facilities on site.  We own 118 acres with approximately 60 acres fenced.  Rayburn isA member club of both the PBGF and the NEBGF.ere.

Club Judges:

Frank Litavish

Shayne Bell

Nick DiNobile

Craig Goldinger